SPAM Stock Tips
Dear SPAMers,
Thank you so much for your recent stock tips for such companies as SBNS, AUNI, TGVI.PK, VSPC, and my all-time favorite MTPT. I always take lots of time to read through each and everyone. I also enjoy how you try to surprise me with new subjects each time, it is a wonderful surprise each time I open up my email and get a well researched investment offer.
I also love how they are not traded on the usual stock markets like the NYSE, NASDAQ, or AMEX. This way I know they are bargains that only I am privy to, because I know you wouldn’t give these tips to everyone.
Additionally, it is so wonderful that these picks are affordable to everyone. Who doesn’t want stocks that cost less that a dollar? You could almost buy up an entire company’s outstanding stocks with a few hundred dollars and then act like Richard Gere’s character in Pretty Woman and sell off the company piece-by-piece and lose most of your investment. But that’s OK, because losing money is always fun, just ask the former shareholders of Enron.
So please, keep those great stock picks coming.
PS Do you seriously think anybody buys these stocks because of these emails?